Monday, October 12, 2009

Quiz over Chapter 8 Friday October 16, Thursday Oct 15

Quiz covering Chapter 8 Study Skills and Test Taking Strategies

1 comment:

  1. 1."My Very Elegant Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Porcupines" are called Acrostic mnemonic device and they are simple formulas and rhymes used to aid us in remembering lists, dates, names and more. This Acronym mnemonic device helps your remember the order of the way the planets are placed in the universe.
    2.It is useful to make a cheat sheet becuase by just writing the material down will make you remember the material easier. You write the most important material. it's easier to summarize your notes in few words. Your teacher might let you use a notecard with your material on it. this will help you remember more.
    3.the benefits of the study group is that you get to hear the material out loud with somone else saying it. instead of talking aloud to yourself, you can hear it from other people.
    4.Objective means that there is only one way to see something, or there is only one correct answer, like multiple-choice questions.Subjective means there are many different ways to see something, most of which are based on opinions, like essay questions.
    5.The ability to solve problems is a basic life skill and is essential to understanding technical subjects. Problem-solving is a subset of critical thinking and employs the same strategies.
    6.Essay exams are a useful tool for finding out if you can sort through a large body of information, figure out what is important, and explain why it is important. Essay exams challenge you to come up with key course ideas and put them in your own words and to use the interpretive or analytical skills you practiced in the course.
    7.You should show your work in your math and science classes so the teacher doesn't think your cheating and you going to have to write the steps down so you can get your answer to a question.
    8.You should spend the same amount of time studying as you spend in that actual class, if not more. This way you will now your material and will be caught up in your class.
    9.You should limit your study groups in to 4-5 people because if you have any more than that you all will start talking about off the subject ideas.
    10.By studying alone you will have a quiet enviroment to concentrate easier.You can think of more ideas when you are by yourself. If you study by yourself you can get more work done.
